
Ladies and gentlemen please! Would you bring your attention to me?

So I was bored in class on Tuesday. Let's be honest here. There is not a lot to be said on the internet that hasn't been said somewhere before. The internet does a wonderful job of making sure that no one is special. Because if you search the entire blogosphere, then for anyone one post that you find you could find another that says more or less the same thing. You are not unique. You are not snowflakes. This is the lesson that the internet teaches us. I'm saying this because I know this and I need to justify this to anyone who reads this. I'm not pretentious enough to think my thoughts are new or relevant or important for anyone else. I know that my thoughts are the same more or less as everyone else. However, they are my thoughts. Which is important to me.

That being said, this is not for you. This is for me. This is a way to iteratively eliminate thoughts from my mind in the hope of advancement. Because then you win. (right). This blog i hope will become something interesting. By forcing myself to look at what I write/think, then hopefully this will spark some self growth, something that has been missing for a long time. So if you enjoy what you read here then please continue to read and comment furiously. No man is an island (or so the theory goes). Comments provide foils to my own thoughts and enhance the iterative process. (Did you see how that just happened? How i claimed to not care what other people think and then begged for their comments? Smooth.) Ready or not here I come.

Hold tight cause the show is not over
If you will please move in closer
Your about to be bowled over
By the wonders you're about to behold here