
The streak ends at 3

"I feel so broke up, I wanna go home"
- The Beach Boys

Clearly, it was not meant for west coasters to go east. I mean even 500 years ago they figured this out. Always trying to get out of europe and sail west.

It's snowing today. The last of the snow melted yesterday. Now we're expecting about a foot today. Thats typical. It was like 60 the other night and my exact thought was surely we will pay for this later. Two nights ago i went to a slick rick concert. He is old school hip hop or something like that. He was pretty terrible, but the two bands before him were pimp. And his backup singer was hands down one of the cutest girls i've ever seen. So thats good. I highly recommend Bad Rabbits. Check them out on myspace. Cauz that doesnt sound creepy. Anyway that was pretty fun.

So its just me and my roommate Chris this week. Should be a fun week i'm sure that more posts will follow

Lovers stay on the road you're on?


  1. I've started thinking about Californians like a different species - a noble race of beautiful, intelligent beings who thrive on the sun. Proud to be Californian.

    Anyways, it's snowing here too. Which is nice, actually. I'm a fan of precipitation, as you know, and walking around in a softly falling snow is kinda nice, even if I wished it were warmer. I feel like snowy days have their sound turned down, like the clouds dampen all the noise. Back home whenever the weather was anything other than 70 and sunny, it was an excuse to have a slow, contemplative day, sitting inside watching the rain. Here though, doing that every time it snowed or rained would mean nothing got done...but I'm ok with that for the most part.

  2. Californians are blood elves.
