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what to do what to do what to do what to do?
is there any thing that can be done?
We are bored.

There was rioting in England yesterday. Huge crowds mobbed banks. Rough man.
Time to reexamine capitalism again. 99% of the wealth concentrated into 1% of the people.
God damn college and its liberal effects. Alright coherency set go.

Today I walked home from school imagining the effects of rioting and open warfare on the BC area. That was weird. All I know is if I were home I would never be able to have such thoughts. Why would you riot in the sun? I dont understand the world. I don't understand how people can do such terrible things to other people. This sounds like such a pussy opinion. Break the cycle man. Maybe thats part of it. I've grown up in the world where if you would never kill someone over anything. Petty disputes are settled by dislike not violence. But then i've never really gone without anything that I really needed so maybe I dont know what it is like to be that desperate.
I definately dont know that.

So tonight I will go out. And in the dark parts of the world people will sit on the opposite side of two lines trying not to get killed.

When i think that thought I can only think that school doesnt seem that important. And that surely there is something that can be done to help the state of the world. That all i'm doing right now is killing time. Thats the worst feeling of all.

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