
Art is Hard

I have dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone from me.

That is really all that need be said, but I suppose for lack of anything else to do in this hotel room, I'll pontificate. Briefly.

The matrix it turns out was right about everything as the quote above would seem to indicate. Also matrices are bad as is clearly indicated by a) the movies and b) mo-mor-puggers.

Sigh, I feel so damn emo right now. I really don't want to turn this into a rant. I do want to shape my feelings into arguments, mold my convictions into unwavering logic that would solve all the problems before me, and convert the non-believers to my manifest conclusions ( also possibly converting them into radioactive vapor).

Maybe I just deal poorly with change. I had this naive theory that we would all live together at some point. This theory is clearly flawed in its assumptions that this would be plausible. I don't know.

Coherence. I crave the ability to extract from my imagination the wisp of an idea and brand it into form. A form like prose. This would be most useful. If only I was an artist.


  1. I feel like nothing i say can make you feel any better. No joke, no poorly constructed quip, no well thought out logical argument. The only thing i can do is be genuinely honest. As i am getting to this late and bryan has already replied to this post, I am just going to say that he is completely right in the sense that i have faith in the strength of our friendship as a group. Unfortuantely change has a way of coming right when we think we have our shit together. It seems his casket thought is a bit mistimed seeing as how some feel that the military can lead to that. But i hope that i have proved a competence to keep myself alive that can allow all of you to trust that i will be safe no matter who the fuck tells me what to do. I think i need to do this. I think this is a necessary challenge ahead of me. I suppose you have rubbed off a bit on me. Powered by adversity. Seeing as how most everyone i know is telling me not to do this, all i can do is jump in. Shit i feel like this comment has no flow. Anyways, being emo is ok for a bit, but i expect more from you. Go get paid to have sex with a korean. FBGM

    P.S.- No one wants to be a fuckin artist...lets be real

  2. dude its cool i'm over it. I'm not feeling that bad, but you know how i feel about change. come on now.

  3. ya i know friend, but take solace in the fact that its only temporary...
